Endemic Birds: White-throated Babbler -MAXIMUM CARD MC(II)-

Ein Angebot in Briefmarken Asien | Burma - 1.512 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Seitenaufrufe: 11


MiNo.540A MC(II) Myanmar
Opr. (5x10); A = perf. K 14 1/4:14; B = imperforated
Maximum Card, issue date: 09.10.2022
Picture descriptions:
ml) White-throated Babbler (Argya gularis)
540 A 200 K multicolored ml
Quantity MC(II): 100 pieces
Designer: Ahmonoo
Printer: Government Security Printing Works (SPW), Rangoon

Conservation Status:
Here as a Maximum Card (Version II) with cancelled perforated Single Stamp
Issue Notice:

The White-throated Babbler belongs to the Leiothrichidae family.
It can be seen as common resident in Mandalay, Sagaing, Magway, Bago, Yangon, Kachin (Souther Part) and Ayeyawady (northern Part) in Myanmar.
They are gregarious birds that forage in small groups. Because they are mostly seen in groups of six or seven, they are figuratively called "Seven-sister birds".
They raise and flap their tail and hopp around looking for food. Male and female are same colour.
Their size is relatively large and very long-tailed with black lores, pale eyes and white throat, upper breast contrasting with rufous-buff remainder of underparts.
The lower body part is brownish red and light yellow. The white colour on the neck and upper breast is the prominent feature of the species.
Scrub and bushes in semi-desert, borders of cultivation are their habitats.


siehe Artikelbeschreibung
oldthing-Nummer: 48797607
| Lagernummer: 1939584423

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Artikelstandort: TH-77110 Hua Hin
Sprache: deutsch

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